I am Vincent.

Data Science + Economics @ University of Michigan


Years of








About Me

Get to know me!

I have 3+ years of experience in both data science and software development.

I am quick to adapt to new tools and stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends. I love constantly improving my skills to provide innovative solutions and deliver high-quality results.

Software Programming
I am passionate about crafting inclusive and accessible products using various programming languages.


  • Python
  • Java
  • C++
  • SQL
  • R
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
Data Science
I love leveraging machine learning tools and packages to build intricate learning models from start to finish.

Machine Learning:

  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • Keras
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Matplotlib
  • Pandas
  • NumPy
Development Tools
I take pride in swiftly adapting to new, fast-growing technologies and tools quickly and reliably.


  • Tableau
  • Power BI
  • Excel
  • AWS
  • React
  • Flask
  • Django
  • Git
  • Jupyter


My professional history!

I love uncovering innovative solutions and solving complex problems.

University of Michigan - Detection for Nuclear Nonproliferation Group
Student Researcher
May 2023 - May 2024
Developed Python script for various nuclear energy detection algorithms to streamline laboratory usage, focusing on modularity and user interpretability.
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Data Glacier (IT Services & IT Consulting)
Data Science Intern
Mar 2023 - May 2023
Conducted exploratory data analysis, tested multiple ML models, and facilitated model deployment to drive targeted marketing and resource allocation for banking campaigns.
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Low-Impact Energy Technologies Lab
Data Analyst Research Assistant
May 2023 - Aug 2023
Automating data collection and conducting data analysis to support ongoing research protecting energy systems against climate change.
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Ipsos (Multinational Market Research & Consulting Firm)
Data Science Intern
Jun 2022 - Aug 2022
Excelled in diverse Python tasks, including image processing, data synchronization, web scraping, CRUD operations, and AWS integration for enhanced productivity.
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Check out my work!
Hands-On Learning Experiences
I have completed 25+ projects both academically and personally. I love seeing my projects come to life step-by-step and below are some of the work that I am most proud of.
Agency Website

Reddit Forum Classifier

Natural language processing model that classifies reddit text speech into happy, sad, and neutral moods.

View Project
Crypto Application

Galaxy Classifier

Computer vision leveraging deep learning CNN to classify images of galaxies into 37 distinct classes.

View Project
Ecommerce Website

Dog Breed Classifier

Convolutional neural network that accurately categorizes images into 10 distinct dog breed classes.

View Project
Crypto Application

G2M Cab Investment Analysis

Performing data analysis to optimize investment choice by analyzing taxi company databases.

View Project


Check out my stories!
Crafting Stories with Vision
In my posts, I explore diverse topics from data science and college life to productivity and more. My goal is to offer valuable insights and help readers learn something new.
Why I Chose Data Science
June 24th, 2023
Setting Goals are Overrated
July 14th, 2023


Connect with me!
Let's chat. Send me a message.
I am passionate about building innovative solutions and collaborating with other developers to bring these ideas to life. Don't hesitate to reach out to me and let's build something amazing!